Why do people talk to a Psychic, Tarot Reader or Astrologer
rather than talking to their friends?
They are looking for an unbiased, non-judgmental evaluation
of their specific situation. They are not interested in what applies to anyone
else, hence are looking for the sole answer that suits them and only them.
As an Advisor you must be unbiased and free of any
judgement. Your personal ideas, ethics or morals have no place in a conversation
that is meant to solve the client’s issue. If it can’t be read from the Cards
or Chart or if you do not find a clear answer, you are obliged to tell the
person, that you are unable to answer. If you state your personal opinion or
give personal advice, make sure that you clarify that what you are just about
to say is nothing more, than your personal opinion. This is crucial and this separates
good psychic advice from bad card reading.
When getting a personal reading, always ask yourself if what
you are told really applies to you, if it is something you feel comfortable
with, something you resonate with. If
you feel, the advice given is something suitable for the 1950’s rather than for
the modern age dating culture, it probably wasn’t read from the cards or
elsewhere and reflects more of the personal opinion or experience of your
advisor than it actually reflects the situation you deal with.
A good reading should always comply with what you feel
comfortable with and the advisor must be able despite his or her personal
beliefs, ethics and experiences to see you and how you feel in the situation,
what you are capable of understanding or doing. It is unnecessary that the
advisor understands or even supports you or your actions. The sole purpose of
psychic or astrological advice should be to find the specific answer suitable
for you and only for you.
(C) Britta Götz