November „mourning Moon“ -
Full Moon in Gemini
We focus on things we want under a full moon. This November
Full moon is the last full moon before winter solstice and therefore sheds the
last bit of light before the very dark days.
If you are aware of the yearly circles, working with your
environmental energies, you will most
presumably have prepared for winter by stashing away what you did harvest, by being
grateful for what you archived and by sorting out all the things and people you
do not want to carry over into the next circle of growth.
This upcoming Full Moon tomorrow is a perfect time to rid
you of useless baggage. It is associated with The Goddesses Hecate and Isis,
Kali, Astarte and Bastet. All of them have a strong association with the dark
side and the dead. They aren’t nice Women; they lead you into the depth of your
fear, into darkness, strengthen you and let you grow stronger overcoming your
It is time to let go, to finally get over the loss of loved
ones, to realize, who does not belong in your life any longer. Therefore it is
a time of mourning, since you might still have strong bonds/affection but also
the clarity that something or someone you hold on to might set you back or even
obstruct your path.
Do not waste precious energy in thoughts or affection any
more to anyone or anything who or that has not proven the worthiness of your
attention. Walk through the darkness of your Soul, cry and mourn your losses.
Feel sorry for yourself and allow the pain to surface, only then you are able
to free yourself and let go.
Water is in correspondence with this Moon so if you make a
list of who and what you want to free yourself from, you may as well drown it
in a natural water source such as a lake or stream, river or even a puddle in
the woods. Walk away and don't look back!
5:44 EST time is the peak for this Mourning Moon (aka Snow
Moon, Fog Moon) and November is the beginning of the new circle/year in Celtic
tradition. Actually time for a new year resolution.
Blessed be!
Britta – Tiphareth Tarot ©
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